WiP 09

From pencils to final image: here’s a look at one of my favorite panels from Episode 9! This one was a blast to put together, capturing how these two characters celebrate in their own unique ways. It was a fun challenge to visually express their different styles of celebration. Check out the panel and let me know what you think!

Super Bee!!

One of my favorite parts of creating the comic is fleshing out the characters and the world of My Super Ex. Early on, I decided that Outman would be a big fan of superhero comics as a kid and continue to be one even after he became a superhero himself, never seeing the irony in that.

In developing Outman’s character, I got to create a superhero that he would be really into, and thus, Super Bee was born. Powered by his super stinger and even sharper bee puns, it was fun to create little moments for Super Bee to pop up throughout the comic.

Here’s a sneak peek at a cover and two-page comic that Outman is reading in this week’s episode. I plan to release the full comic later this year. Bee on the lookout for more buzz-worthy updates! 🐝

Setting Up an Email List

As I work on setting up my first webcomic, I’ve realized how much work there is to do outside of creating the comic itself. One of the things I wanted to be sure to do from the beginning was to provide an option for readers to receive the comic via email so they wouldn’t have to remember to visit a website to read the latest episode.

I’ve created some images for the sign-up and welcome emails that will be sent to new newsletter subscribers. Check back next week for details on how to sign up.


WiP Ep. 5

I’m setting up my comic by creating individual panels in separate Clip Studo files and then assembling them into a full-page version, a mobile version, and one for the web and smaller devices. This gives me more flexibility in the layout even after finishing the panels. This is the layout for episode 5 of My Super Ex.


Outman Development

As we approach the launch, I will be examining some of the key characters from My Super Ex more closely. Outman was originally designed as a block-headed frat boy, but over time, his personality and square-shaped appearance have become more gentle and refined, as you can see today.

Super City

I had just as much fun creating Super City as I did creating the characters for the comic. To make the story feel real for the reader, I had to make it feel real for myself. I spent a lot of time thinking about the environment, where events would take place, and how to move characters from one place to another, which was a big help when I was stuck in the middle of a particular story. To take things to the next level for myself, I created a 3D model of the city while plotting and writing. It gave me a feeling of being in the middle of the action and helped me shape the story.
